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Leave Your Heel Pain in 2018

Leave Your Heel Pain in 2018

The months always seem to have flown by when we reach the end of a year. You blink and suddenly realize just how much time you have spent on things (work projects) or notspent on things (gym membership). But here’s a question for you: How many days this year did you...

Understanding the Most Common Heel Pain: Plantar Fasciitis

Understanding the Most Common Heel Pain: Plantar Fasciitis

At all eight offices for our Chicagoland podiatry practice, we provide first-class treatment to help you overcome foot and ankle conditions and injuries. No matter what is causing you pain or difficulty in a lower limb, we look forward to creating a customized...

Why You Have Arch Pain [and How to Avoid It]

Why You Have Arch Pain [and How to Avoid It]

Arch pain is one of the most common foot and ankle conditions we see, and the ways it can affect our patients’ lives are many. Aching arches can affect your gait, how you stand, and even what kind of shoes you find comfortable.  If you constantly struggle with...

Treating Bunions Before Resorting to Surgery

Treating Bunions Before Resorting to Surgery

Bunions are bony outgrowths that form at the base of the big toe. Patients with bunions are genetically predisposed to have them, and bunions may be exasperated by poor shoe gear. Once formed, bunions don’t go away without surgery, but most patients can manage their...

Preventing Running Injuries With the Right Running Shoes

Preventing Running Injuries With the Right Running Shoes

If you're new to running, you're just starting to get a taste of how wonderful a good run can feel. But you're getting a taste of the other side of running as well, as you start to feel pain in your feet and ankles. If you don't address the problem, the pain could get...

Running with Flat Feet? Here’s How to Reduce Your Risk of Injury

Running with Flat Feet? Here’s How to Reduce Your Risk of Injury

Running with flat feet can present unique challenges, but at Advanced Foot and Ankle Centers of Illinois, we want to assure you that having flat feet doesn't mean you have to abandon your love for running. In this blog, we will explore the intricacies of flat feet,...

4 Simple Tips to Correctly Cut Your Toenails

4 Simple Tips to Correctly Cut Your Toenails

Some people may find the idea of a guide to trimming their toenails rather silly. Isn’t this just something everyone naturally learns on their own? But just because you have always trimmed your toenails a certain way doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the proper way. It...

Strategies to Reduce Foot Pain Between Appointments

Strategies to Reduce Foot Pain Between Appointments

Whether you suffer from foot pain related to your occupation or to a previous injury, you know that discomfort in your feet can dramatically impact your life. If you experience foot pain, the first step toward recovery is seeing a podiatrist. After addressing the root...

5 Little-Known Benefits of Walking

5 Little-Known Benefits of Walking

You know you need to exercise to improve your health. But there are two things keeping you back: time and money. You don't have the money to join a gym or the time to participate on a sports team. Fortunately, you can maintain good health with an activity that's easy...

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