Need a Lower Extremity Scan? Here’s Why Our Foot and Ankle MRI is a Great Option

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an incredibly useful tool for gaining a clear picture of what’s going on inside the body, but the term likely conjures a certain image in your head:

A huge tube, filling half or more of a hospital room, that you must lie down to fully enter. And once you’re in there, you have to remain still in that enclosed space until the imaging is complete – and that can take anywhere from 15 to 90 minutes, depending on what scans must be completed!

Standard MRIs have certainly helped many patients when it has been needed—but what if we told you it isn’t always your only option?

Case in point: the lower extremity MRI device we have in our Joliet office provides many of our patients an alternative to standard MRI—and one that comes with a host of benefits over the traditional method. If you need imaging for your foot or ankle, this will most likely be your best choice.

What makes our lower extremity MRI a superior option? Read on to find out.

You Don’t Have to Go to the Hospital

Nothing against hospitals, of course, but it’s usually best not to have to visit one unless you absolutely need to.

At a hospital, you can generally expect not only longer potential waits for the attention you need, but also at least a somewhat higher risk of infection – even when we’re not facing the concerns of COVID-19 – due to the larger population of patients with a variety of different health needs.

Our intention for all patients – whether at our Joliet office or elsewhere – will always be service provided as quickly and safely as possible. And if you have visited us before, we can pay you much more personalized attention than the hospital as well.

Lower Extremity Foot and Ankle MRI

Our MRI is a More Comfortable Experience

Having to lie in a stark white tube for a decent amount of time may not be the greatest experience for a few different reasons. Yes, it can be rather dull, but it can also:

  • Be a claustrophobic experience if you do not enjoy enclosed spaces.
  • Be an uncomfortable experience if the device does not accommodate your body shape or size well.
  • Be a painful experience if you are prone to back spasms or other conditions, and must lie in a certain position for an extended period of time.

Our lower extremity foot and ankle MRI eliminates many of these problems by providing a much more comfortable way to conduct the test. Your foot and lower leg are the only parts of you that must be inside the device!

There’s a lot more “wiggle room” to find a good position to be in before the imaging test begins, and simply having more space can make a big difference in the overall comfort of the test. 

We also highly recommend this for children who might be more frightened or put off by an imposing machine such as a standard MRI device. Our more open configuration can not only allow a child to see what’s going on, but allow a parent to be right beside them as the scan is conducted.

A Lower Extremity MRI is More Affordable

This one might likely seem pretty likely from the onset, but just to confirm: a lower extremity foot and ankle MRI tends to be less expensive overall than a traditional, full-body scan.

Since the device is smaller and scans a smaller area, it naturally requires fewer resources to operate. While a standard MRI can cost upward of $3,500, ours is more affordable.

It is best to check with your insurance provider to determine how such tests are covered under your plan, and we can help you find the answers to any questions you might have.

What You Need, Where it’s Best for You

Another benefit of our office having direct access to its own MRI is that results do not have to be sent back and forth. We not only get the results quickly without having to go through someone else, but we can conduct the scan ourselves to make sure we get the information we truly need. That does not always happen when an external lab technician sends a report back to us – but it’s also not their fault if it doesn’t. They do not have the full understanding of your circumstances that we do, after all.

An MRI may be an important element of diagnosing conditions ranging from sprains and fractures to arthritis, plantar fasciitis, and even nerve pain. It is certainly not always necessary for any of these suspected situations, but If we need to use our MRI for a diagnosis or to check the progress of recovery, we can easily take care of it with minimal hassle to you.

Call us at (815) 553-0990 to schedule an appointment at our Joliet office. And if you prefer to conduct an initial consultation remotely, please don’t hesitate to ask us about a telemedicine appointment.